Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Buhrmester: Kick-Off Meeting a Huge Success

Mizzou College Democrats President Mark Buhrmester wrote a note on Facebook. He tagged me on it, so I'm reposting it here. If any other college chapters would like me to show the world how your back-to-school meetings are going, feel free to let me know.

The Kick-Off Meeting and Pizza Party for the Mizzou College Democrats was this evening, and it was a HUGE success! There were 126 people in attendance. We signed up 50 volunteers for various campaigns. About 40 people became dues-paying members on the spot.

Rep. Jeff Harris rocked the house. We heard from representatives from Rep. Sam Page's campaign for Lt. Governor, and Jay Nixon's campaign for Governor. We had the delight to hear from Rep. Judy Baker and meet Russ Unger who is running for state representative.

Can you ask for anything more? Absolutely not.

Thank you to all of you who took the time to join us this evening. I hope I see you at our next meeting September 6, 7pm in A&S 113.

Thanks again,

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