Thursday, August 30, 2007

Nixon on Facebook

Jay Nixon not only has a Facebook account - a lot of candidates do - but he just formed a Facebook group about his petition regarding MOHELA and college affordability and has placed Facebook ads.

The ads read:
Your tuition is skyrocketing. Not only is Gov. Blunt letting it happen, he's making it worse by diverting funds from MOHELA. Sign Jay's petition to make schools like [insert school here] more affordable!
If you click on it, you're taken here where you are encouraged to sign his petition.

It's exciting to see candidates engaging young people so early. Voters under 29 are due to continue the recent trend and explode in turnout next year - especially if a young, energetic candidate like Barack Obama gets the nomination. Candidates are starting to understand that, and by speaking to these voters they will turnout even more than expected.

So, candidates, buy Facebook ads. They're not that expensive, only $10 for 5000 views. I'm not payed to plug Facebook, I'm just doing it because it makes sense.

Kudos to Nixon for getting it.

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